GS Lakie Guitar Program

Musical Revue/Rock Show
Gs Lakie performs a musical revue show bi-yearly as a major curricular and extra-curricular event. The concept for the last several years has been called ROCK SHOW; three shows have been done. This concept is very new to western Canada and is a cutting edge music education outcome.
The show combines all facets of performing arts programming at GS Lakie:
Guitar and popular music
Concert band
Digital Media
Theatre Tech
This massive show houses usually around 250 students. If the student auditions....they are in the show! It is a testament to what team work can do for both students and staff. The show is performed for 4 evenings and sells out each night with 450 audience members!
The production team consists of:
Producer/Director/Music/Writers-Sheldon Arvay and Don Ponech
Dance-Kristi Legge
Costumes-Lori Adamson
Technical/Music/Video- John Malcolm
Vocal coaching- Britt Jassman, Sheldon Arvay, Don Ponech
Video/projection-Joe Wright, Gord Smith
Front House- Lakie Office and Staff
Organization-Brandon Fletcher
Properties- Geoff Weatherall, Ben Kubik
Design- Tami Casson