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Rock and pop


The Rock and Pop program is offered for grade 7 and 8 students. Mr. Arvay and Mr. Ponech teach these classes term one and two. The prerequisite is guitar 6. The students receive a basic foundation in playing guitar and then implement these skills in the class. The rock and pop students learn skills on guitar, bass, drums and vocals. Each student studies these instruments and the basic techniques of them. Students   learn one song on all of these instruments. 


The students are evaluated on each instrument and from this the student is assigned the instrument they excelled on. The students are then put into rock bands with their peers and are assigned songs to prepare for the term end performance called Gatorstock.



The learner outcomes are to:


  • develop performance skills on assigned instrument

  • understand the function of each instrument in an popular music ensemble

  • develop rhythmic, listening, tempo and pitch matching skills 

  • prepare for a performance situation

  • work in a peer group  to prepare a performance

  • work in a creative environment and deal with promotion of a group

  • design group poster and band concepts

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